Tag Archives: Obama campaign 2012

A Encapsulation of the Obama Presidency.Provided by Obama’s campaign.



Obama campaign asks artists to work for free on jobs posters;sparks outrage    http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/19/obama-campaign-asks-artists-to-work-for-free-on-jobs-posters-sparks-outrage/?utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=TheDC+Morning&utm_campaign=The+DC+Morning+&utm_term=4__29+So+much+for+being+a+job-creator

   ….”President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign is asking artists to design promotional posters that convey a message: “support American jobs.” The brutal irony for artists, however, is that they will receive no payment for their work. The campaign, which has $61 million on hand, will reward only the three artists whose work is selected for use. The compensation? A copy of their artwork, signed by the president. “….  ....”The Obama campaign’s request for submissions says that it “is seeking poster submissions from artists across the country illustrating why we support President Obama’s plan to create jobs now, and why we’ll re-elect him to continue fighting for jobs for the next four years.” …  ….” selected posters will be sold, “with proceeds benefiting the campaign”...

Images are of “Ship of Fools”,& my own photo of a sign in a window.The latter is Creative-Commons NON-Derivative,Non-Commercial.

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