A brief comment on my stance on the January 25th revolution:Political Islam is not the answer.


The fact that I link to something without commenting on it does not mean that I agree with it.Sometimes I will post a link just to call attention to it.

1.I support the establishment of a free society in Egypt that respects the individual rights of all people:Copts,Women,Gays,apostates etc.I believe the vast majority of the protesters wish to live in a free society.I know that the Muslim Brotherhood did not start the January 25th protests.Still,I fear that they may outmaneuver those who oppose political Islam.I am also concerned about polling data that I have seen from Pew,(see the image & fn1),indicating widespread support for draconian punishments for adultery(82%),as well apostasy(84%).

2.I hate Mubarak.
3.I hate the Muslim Brotherhood,& think that the threat they pose is greatly underestimated.Left to their own devices,I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Muslim Brotherhood will impose a theocracy as barbaric as Saudi Arabia,or the Taliban or the IRI.Further I find it bizarre that people who would scream their heads off if the Christian Reconstructionist movement(fn2),was likely to gain seats in the US Congress,ridicule concern over a group that issued a memo calling for the destruction of Western Civilization(fn3),& as recently as last year called for raising a “jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life”(fn4).History is filled with cases of aggressive totalitarian movements outmaneuvering their Democratic opposition:The French Revolution,Nazi Germany,Russia,Iran etc.Pro-freedom Egyptians would be well advised to learn from such cases,& seek to avoid the fate of their predecessors.




(aka the Dominionists,a Christian group that supports killing w both witches & practicing homosexuals),



